Cacher page

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Geocaching Australia
This page contains information specific to Geocaching Australia.

The cacher page is a public outline of a geocacher's activity.

The page is divided into several sections.

Left hand column

The left hand column outlines the cachers activity in hiding caches, swaggies activity, planned & recommended caches and watchlist.

=== Caches Hidden === Lists the total number of caches hidden by the cacher in question, with a month-by-month break down of hides, in reverse chronological order.

=== Swaggies Owned === A list of swaggies owned by the cacher, with links to the swaggie page for each.

=== Swaggies Held === A list of swaggies currently in the posession of the cacher, with links to the swaggie page for each.

=== First to Find === A list of caches that the cacher claims to have been first to find.

=== Planned Caches === A list of caches that the cacher plans to do at some future date.

=== Recommended Caches === Caches which the geocacher feels have some special quality and/or merit over and above other geocaches. See Recommended caches.

=== Watchlist === Allows the cacher to watch the activity of a list of geocaches, for whatever reason they desire.

Middle column

The middle column outlines the cachers activity in finding caches, with a month-by-month break down of hides, in reverse chronological order. Clicking the "Full logs" link at the top of the column displays the logs for cacher page.

Right hand column

The right hand column outlines an array of statistical information about the cacher in question. See Cacher sidebar.