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* [[GSAK]] [http://gsak.net homepage] - Sorts caches, marks, links to map, etc.  Supports [[GCA]] [[GPX]]
* [http://www.clayjar.com Clayjar Watcher] - Similar to GSAK
* [http://easygps.com EasyGPS]
* [http://gpsbabel.sourceforge.net GPSBabel] - Converts almost any format to any other. 
* [http://www.gpxspinner.com GPX Spinner] - Converts [[GPX]] files to document format
* [http://www.fizzymagic.net/Geocaching/gpx2html/gpx2html.html GPX2HTML] - Converts [[GPX]] files to simple indexed HTML format
* [http://geotoad.sourceforge.net/index.php GeoToad]
* [http://www.oziexplorer.com/ OziExplorer] - GPS mapping software

Revision as of 13:56, 9 October 2005