Hiding a cache
[hide]Defining your objective
Before placing a cache, it's often useful to define your objective. For example, your objective could be to:
- Share a stunning place or view with your fellow geocachers
- Boggle their minds with a diabolical puzzle
- Make them search for a cache in an extremely public place
- Give them a nice hour or so out of the house
There are many other objectives, all equally valid!
Hiding a cache does mean taking into account some Guidelines.
Geocaching is not just like real estate - location, location, location. It also takes into account the fun of deciphering a puzzle, finding a cache in a extremely public location, taking atrek through 10 kilometers of virgin bushland or anything else that really takes your fancy.
Where do I hide the cache?
When thinking about where to place a cache, try to keep some of these things in mind:
- Will it be easy to get to ?
If it is only a hundred meters from a road or path, there's a good possibility that someone (not a cacher) may find and either take or plunder your cache. Try to find a place that will take a bit of time to get to, preferably on foot. Remember, not everyone who caches will have hiking equipment or 4WD access so consider that there are also people who cache with their kids and would appreciate something not too hard. On the other hand there are die hard cachers who would walk 30 kilometers (each way) to get to a beautiful view and wonderful virgin bush.
- Will it be easy to find ?
If it is too visible, or too close to busy roads, trails, etc. there's a good chance someone may stumble upon it. Don't make it too difficult or rate it accordingly. There's nothing quite as annoying as heading out to a terrain 1 / difficulty 1 cache and finding that you need to bushwack for 250 meters. Or getting to a pile of rocks spread over hundres of meters and trying to find the proverbial needle in a haystack. If you hide it well, give enough hints so that the fnider has a reasonable attempt to locate it.
- Will it be on private or public land ?
If you place it on private land, please ask permission before putting it there and make sure your cache description says that access is available and permission has been sought and obtained. Some parks and gardens will not appreciate caches coming into and destroying the vegitation. If in doubt, ask permission. You are ultimately responsible for the cache so make sure you know the rules for the area where your cache is being placed.
You should consider a cache in a place that is unique in some way. The big reward for geocachers, other than finding the cache itself, is the location. A prime camping spot, a good picnic area, great viewpoint, unusual location, etc. are all good places to hide a cache.
Preparing your cache
You need a container. Anything water resistant, snow resistant, sun resistant, etc (depending on your climate), will do. Geocachers have had good success with plastic buckets, tupperware, lock'n'lock, sistema containers, ammo boxes, plastic pipes, etc. You'll also want to invest in some zip-loc bags to put the items into in case your container leaks. This is probably a good idea for your log book, even if you think the container is water proof. The next finder may not reseal the container as well as you hope.
Whatever the container, make sure to mark your cache so that someone who comes across it can work out what it is. Mark the container with geocaching.com.au, the name of the cache, and any contact information they feel is necessary. More info is better than less. That way if someone finds it they can contact the hider, especially if the cache looks suspicious or is on private property.
A logbook and a pen. A small spiral notebook is often the best. Avoid loose leaf sheets as they won't remain in good condition. Put a pen in the cache as well. Not everyone will beign a pen, so if you want a log left, leave a pen.
You should also include a stash note. It's a piece of paper that tells the finder (especially if they're not yet a geocacher) what it is all about.
Lastly, you can put goodies / swaps / trade items / trinkets in the cache. It's recommended, but not necessary.
It's up to you what you want to put in your cache, budget permitting. Try and avoid 2nd hand items or things that the kids or dogs have chewed on. Nasty! Do not put food in a cache! Critters have better noses than we do, and will bite, nibble or swallow your cache in an attempt to get to the goodies.
Placing your cache
When you have determined where you are going to put your cache, go put it there.
When you reach the location to place your cache, the hardest part is getting exact coordinates from your GPS unit so you can use these on the geocaching.com.au website.
Some GPS units have the ability to do averaging, but if yours can't, the best suggestion is to take a waypoint, walk away from the location, then return and take another waypoint. Do this around 7-10 times, then pick the best waypoint.
Letting everyone know about your cache
Fill out the online form found on the geocaching.com.au website.
Once you place the cache, it is your responsibility to maintain the cache and ensure the area around it is not suffering. There are potentially many people who will seek and find your cache. If you notice severe trails being made to your cache location, then you may consider temporarily making the cache unavailable so the aera can recover.
You'll need to return as often as you find necessary to ensure that your cache is not impacting the area, and ensure that the cache is in good repair.
When you receive information that the cache has been compromised (ie trashed, washed away, cracked in the sun or snow, etc), please arrange to do some maintenance. If you feel that the area is not longer worthy of a cache, don't just archived the cache and left the trash in the bush. Retrieve the cache and dispose of it accordingly.
It's enouraged that you should replace the container, clean up the contents, check the log book for useability, check the pend, etc. There will always be more people who will want to find your cache and if it's in good conditionit encourages other to follow in their footsteps.
Nasty caches that haven't been maintained aren't any fun to find.