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Revision as of 08:37, 14 November 2006 by The Garner Family (talk | contribs) (→Listing your cache with Groundspeak: - updated some gc.com details)
[hide]Where should I list my cache?
A majority of Australian caches are listed on the Groundspeak site, at Geocaching.com but there is a strong and growing community of Australian cachers choosing to list their caches right here at Geocaching Australia. We decided we didn't like the way Groundspeak was dictating how we played the game, or that they were making money out of caches we provided free to the community. To help you make your decision, some pros and cons.
Listing your cache with Geocaching Australia
- You won't have as many people finding your cache. Some cachers don't know about GCA yet, and some cachers refuse to find caches listed on GCA.
- Travel Bugs and Geocoins cannot be logged in or out of your cache.
- Your cache information is free. Geocaching Australia freely provides GPX files with the cache coordinates and information, for easy uploading to your GPS. Caches listed with Groundspeak require a premium membership for this function.
- You're supporting the evolution of the game. Geocaching Australia doesn't have restrictive listing policies. Innovation is encouraged!
- More variety, some types of caches (moveable, locationless, virtual) are only able to be listed on GCA.
- Swaggies, our version of Travel Bugs, are free!
- You're supporting Free and Open Geocaching.
Listing your cache with Groundspeak
- Cachers have to buy a premium membership to download bulk amounts of cache information from geocaching.com.
- Restrictions on cache listings.
- No moveable caches, locationless caches or virtual caches.
- Caches must be approved by a volunteer community moderator before it is listed.
- Trackable Travel Bugs must be purchased.
- More people will know about and find your cache, including overseas cachers holidaying in Australia.
- The cache is listed amongst the global community of other caches.
- Travel bugs and Geocoins can be logged in and out of your cache.
- Publication (after approval) indicates that your cache conforms to the published listing restrictions, which gives finders certainty about some aspects of your cache.
In summary
- if you have no nearby GCA cachers (put your home coordinates in your profile and click the "Neighbours" link on your cacher page to check and see if any nearby cachers have found GCA caches. You could also have a look at the GCA Cacher Network Link for Google Earth or get on the GCA Forum)
- if you have children helping you put out the cache who would be disappointed with not many finds
- if you don't care about politics and just want to play the game...