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Geocaching in QPWS Managed Areas

Queensland National Parks and Wildlife Service have released a Geocaching Policy [[1]] and associated Geocaching Activity Guidelines [[2]]which provide to the approval process to place geocaches within land managed by QPWS.


The Approval Flowchart [[3]] provides an overview of the requirements.

Before placing a geocache you should make contact with the local QPWS office seeking advice on the placemenet criteria for that area. The QPWS Park Enquiries team ( info@nprsr.qld.gov.au ) can provide details of local QPWS contacts.

The local QPWS will advise you if a formal Application Form[[4]]is to be lodged or if alternative approval processes apply for that area.

Except for micro caches a Geocaching Information Sheet [[5]] must be placed inside the geocache

Queensland Geocaching

Please visit the Qld Dashboard to find any new caches in the area and/or geocaching events.

Metropolitan Areas

Gold Coast
Sunshine Coast

Regional Areas

Capricornia Region
Central Highlands & Coalfields Region

See Also