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Geocaching in QPWS Managed Areas

Queensland National Parks and Wildlife Service have released a Geocaching Policy [[1]] and associated Geocaching Activity Guidelines [[2]] which provide for the approval process to place geocaches within land managed by QPWS.


The Approval Flowchart [[3]] provides an overview of the requirements.

Before placing a geocache you should first read the policy and guidelines and then make contact with the local QPWS office seeking advice on the placement criteria for that specific area. The QPWS Park Enquiries team ( info@nprsr.qld.gov.au ) can provide details of local QPWS contacts.

The local QPWS will advise you if on suitable placement and if a formal Application Form[[4]] is to be lodged or if alternative approval processes apply for that area.

Except for micro caches a Geocaching Information Sheet [[5]] must be placed inside the geocache

Queensland Geocaching

Please visit the Qld Dashboard to find any new caches in the area and/or geocaching events.

Metropolitan Areas

Gold Coast
Sunshine Coast

Regional Areas

Capricornia Region
Central Highlands & Coalfields Region

See Also