Logging caches with GSAK

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Logging a Geocaching Australia cache

GSAK has an internal function which will:

  • Open the Geocaching Australia website to the appropriate cache, ready at the log screen
  • Copy the user notes to the clipboard.

All that remains for you to do is to select the log type, CTRL-V for paste and submit the log! This is a useful function for using a laptop on a long trip and partially automating the upload of the logs you have typed along the way. You only need to make one small change to GSAK to permit this.

In GSAK's "Macros" folder you will find a file called "LogCache.txt". You need to edit that. Find where it says:

#Now call up the log page for this cache
WEB url="http://www.geocaching.com/seek/log.aspx?ID=%gcid"

Add a "#" to the start of the second line so GSAK will ignore it. ie.

#Now call up the log page for this cache
#WEB url="http://www.geocaching.com/seek/log.aspx?ID=%gcid"

Then paste in the following lines just below the one you just edited:

IF Left("%code",2) = "GC"
WEB url="http://www.geocaching.com/seek/log.aspx?ID=%gcid"
IF Left("%code",2) = "GA"
WEB url="http://geocaching.com.au/my/log/new/%code"

Then save the "LogCache.txt" file. GSAK should take you to the appropriate log page now.

Logging a Geocaching.com cache using GSAK

GSAK has an internal function which will:

  • Open the geocaching.com website to the appropriate cache, ready at the log screen
  • Copy the user notes to the clipboard.

All that remains for you to do is to select the log type, CTRL-V for paste and submit the log! This is a useful function for using a laptop on a long trip and partially automating the upload of the logs you have typed along the way.