There are 4 mains areas of stats and it's easiest if you think about the thing you're interested in, then what area you are interested in. i.e If you are thinking about Cacher stats, stars with the Cacher tab. If you are thinking about Cache stats, then start with the Caches tab. Caches Cachers Zones Logs
These stats are for caches which are in the country / state you select. Go to the Caches tab (top navigation bar) then select Stats Graphs. Choose the source (All sources or Geocaching Australia only), choose the country and where applicable, the state. Choose the graph to view. The graph names are a little esoteric and its difficult to identify the entire function in a relatively short name, but if you scroll through them slowly you should be able to identify a pattern. They are generally in the form Hides or Finds and then the period / type / etc. Further down you will also see the "top" group which are the "Top 50" caches for a given criteria. Example: Select All sources, Australia, South Australia, Finds by month cumulative. Graphs are only generated once per day, the first time the graph is called for the day. This is a performance requirement as some of the graph details are very onerous on the database to extract.
These stats are for cachers in the country / state you select. The cacher is slotted into a particular country / state based on either: a. Their selected state preference in their My Settings. b. If they do not have a state preference set, based on the country / state in which they have found the most caches. Go to the Cachers tab (top navigation bar) then select Stats. Choose the source (All sources or Geocaching Australia only), choose the country and where applicable, the state. Choose the graph to view. The graph names are a little esoteric and its difficult to identify the entire function in a relatively short name, but if you scroll through them slowly you should be able to identify a pattern. The majority of the graphs are "Top 50 Cachers" style graphs. Example: Select All sources, Australia, South Australia, Cachers by finds. Graphs are only generated once per day, the first time the graph is called for the day. This is a performance requirement as some of the graph details are very onerous on the database to extract.
Zones: These stats are for caches in the zone you select. Go to the Caches tab (top navigation bar) then select Zone Stats. Choose the source (All sources or Geocaching Australia only), choose the zone. Choose the graph to view. The graph names are a little esoteric and its difficult to identify the entire function in a relatively short name, but if you scroll through them slowly you should be able to identify a pattern. Example: Select All sources, New Zealand - Region - Bay of Plenty, Finds by month cumulative. Graphs are only generated once per day, the first time the graph is called for the day. This is a performance requirement as some of the graph details are very onerous on the database to extract.
These stats are for logs for caches which are in the country / state you select. Go to the Logs tab (top navigation bar) then select Statistics. If you go to Caches and select Stats you will end up in the same place. Choose the source (All sources or Geocaching Australia only), choose the country and where applicable, the state. Then choose the time period. Clicking on a year will show the logs for that year. Clicking on a month will show the logs for that year and month. Example: Select All sources, Australia, South Australia, Finds by month cumulative. Graphs are only generated once per day, the first time the graph is called for the day. This is a performance requirement as some of the graph details are very onerous on the database to extract.
A Cacher:
These stats are for an individual cacher. There is a secondary subtab which appears on the cacher page. You can choose from Details, Statistics, Cachers, Gallery, Plots, Graphs, Banner, Blog. Selecting Graphs as an example will bring you to a new page where you can select the graph to view. Example: Select Finds. Graphs are regenerated in realtime and are not cached, so whenever you see a graph you will always have the most up to data ta based on what is in the GCA database. Feel free to check out the subtabs for the other areas to see what sort of statistics exist for those areas.
There are also stats for:
Hidden ranges to identify how to group your PQ from GC. Centroids showing where the caching and hiding centres are for a country / state. Star movies for an .avi file for that country / region showing caches as they were hidden. GeoBirthdays showing todays birthdays for cachers. Profiles Blogs