GeosportZ 2024

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GeosportZ 2024
GeosportZ 2024 is all about geocaching based on the disciplines found in the modern Olympic games. Try your hand at Archery, Athletics, BMX , Skateboarding, Swimming Volleyball, Water Polo (don't let your horse drown though) and many, many more disciplines. There are lots of different disciplines and related challenges to choose from during this game. Some will be easy. Some will be tough. Some may be impossible.

This game challenges you to maximise the number of requirements you claim and to reach but not exceed a target of 1,500 points. The higher your points the higher your position on the ladder. The greater your claims the higher your position within the same points totals. Ladder positions will be calculated on points, then claims and prizes will be awarded accordingly. Geocaching Australia geocaches that meet the challenge will attract double points.

There are prizes for finishing in certain places on the ladder, so even if you can't complete all requirements and you don't meet the points target, your strategy may mean you can still claim a prize by being weaselly like a weasel. Prize positions will be 1st through to 10th (inclusive) and then every subsequent 5th position until the number of prizes has been exhausted. This could mean that some days position 90 is the highest winning position and other days where position 50 is the highest winning position. Prizes are dependent on the ladder positions being filled and your position on the ladder is based on your strategy.


  • Geocaching Australia geocaches that meet the challenge will attract double points.
  • Geocaches for the game must be published before the start of the game unless the requirement clearly states an exception or the requirement is a hide.
  • Geocaches you claim for the game may be of any type found at or Geocaching Australia. They need not be physical geocaches unless it is part of the requirement. Locationless geocaches are explicitly excluded in each challenge description.*
  • Geocaches you claim for the game must be found or hidden during the game period. ie. You cannot claim requirements where you found the geocache prior to the game commencement or after the game conclusion.
  • Geocaches you claim for the game must be logged in the game within 7 days of your find date on the original listing site or prior to the end of the game, whichever occurs first.
  • There are lots requirements to choose from. Your target is to get as close to claiming all of the requirements without exceeding the target of 1,500 points in total.
  • Each requirement must be claimed against a geocache previously not found by you. ie. You cannot revisit a geocache you have already found to claim a requirement, unless the requirement specifically states an exception. Moveable geocaches are always an exception as they are designed to be found more than once.
  • Each requirement must be claimed against a different geocache. ie. You cannot claim more than one requirement per geocache.
  • Choose the geocaches you log against your requirements carefully. You will not be able to remove logs so that you can claim a different requirement to alter your points.
  • The name of the game is discipline and strategy. You are seeking a combination of the most requirements claimed and the highest number of points without exceeding 1,500 points. You are not claiming the requirements first. It is not meant to be a race.
  • The games software will attempt to reject any claims that would put your score over the target points. It remains your accountability to ensure you do not exceed the target points.
  • The game tracking mechanism relies somewhat upon your honesty when logging your claims. The games administrators will undertake verification of each log. Players who continually log inaccurate information will be disqualified from the game.
  • The game administrators decision is final. The game administrators will delete logs that do not clearly state which requirement is being claimed and a justification for the claim. The game administrators will attempt to contact you in the event of any confusion, however the game administrators reserve the right to delete any logs that are deemed not to have met the requirement.
  • The games administrators reserve the right to provide clarifications to the rules at any point during the game.
  • If you have any queries about whether a geocache is suitable, contact the games administrators prior to logging the find. The games administrators will try to find a way to say yes to a requirement rather than say no. Lateral thinking is encouraged, but please, when in doubt contact a games administrator.


  • Choose the geocaches you log against your requirements carefully. You will not be able to remove logs so that you can claim a different requirement to alter your points.
  • The name of the game is discipline and strategy. You are seeking a combination of the most requirements claimed and the highest number of points without exceeding 1,500 points. You are not claiming the requirements first. It is not meant to be a race.
  • The games software will attempt to reject any claims that would put your score over the target points. It remains your accountability to ensure you do not exceed the target points.


The game runs from 26 July 2024 to 12 August 2024. Requirements will be released via the game page one day prior to the start of the game.

Who can play?

The game is open to anyone registered on the Geocaching Australia website.


Points gained not only serve to see an individual player reach their goal, but they also help their dragonZone clan.


Check out the game leaderboard to see who participated and who won prizes.