Cacher Graph
From GeoWiki
This page contains information specific to Geocaching Australia. |
The All Graphs link from the Cache page and the Cacher page displays the following graphs for the relevant cacher:
[hide]Finds Graphs
Finds Map
- An Australia/NZ map showing the number of caches found by the cacher in each state.
Finds Graph
- A line graph of the cacher's cumulative finds per month, showing all caches in blue, and GCA caches in red.
Finds Graph (bar)
- A stacked bar graph of the cacher's finds per month, showing GCA in red, and non-GCA caches in blue.
Finds by Cache Container
- A pie chart of the cacher's finds by cache size.
Finds by Cache Type
- A pie chart of the cacher's finds by cache type.
Finds by Day of the Month
- A bar chart of the cacher's finds by day of the month.
Finds by Day of the Week
- A bar chart of the cacher's finds by day of the week.
Cache Finds by Difficulty/Terrain
- A scatter chart showing the cacher's finds by Difficulty and terrain. Difficulty is shown on the horizontal (X) axis, and Terrain is shown on the vertical (Y) axis. Each Difficulty/Terrain combination is shown by a circle whose size represents the number of caches of that D/T combination found.
Hides Graphs
Hides Graph
- A line graph of the cacher's cumulative hides per month, showing all caches in blue, and GCA caches in red.
Hides Graph (bar)
- A stacked bar graph of the cacher's hides per month, showing GCA in red, and non-GCA caches in blue.
Hides by Cache Container
- A pie chart of the cacher's hides by cache size.
Hides by Cache Type
- A pie chart of the cacher's hides by cache type.
Cache Hides by Difficulty/Terrain
- A scatter chart showing the cacher's hides by Difficulty and terrain. Difficulty is shown on the horizontal (X) axis, and Terrain is shown on the vertical (Y) axis. Each Difficulty/Terrain combination is shown by a circle whose size represents the number of caches of that D/T combination hidden.
Caches Owned
- A bar chart showing the number of finds for each cache hidden by the cacher. The bars are colour-coded to distinguish recommended, temporarily unavailable and archived caches from other caches.